Tuesday, April 7, 2009

She's here...

The long awaited arrival of my "revitalizer" had come to an end. The unique air purifying + aromatherapy instrument did not disappoint. In the looks department she looks extremely sensuous with her generous curves and crazy hair-do. And boy, did she make a few heads turn and wallets pop out. In the effectiveness department, she didn't disappoint. She gushed out clean air - noticeably better, cleaner air.

This air revitalizing system's unique air cleaning process harnesses the inherent purification properties of water and the natural anti-bacterial qualities of essential oils, to literally wash the air clean. It also has the effect of working as an ioniser, converting positive ions in the air into negative ions, with great benefits to the way you feel. And, unlike most other ionisers, it won't mark your walls.

Kickass, wot?
